ACE Lab (Algorithms & Computing in Education)

The ACE Lab (Algorithms and Computing in Education) brings together faculty and students in computer science, education, and information/learning sciences to explore the many ways in which computing can support pedagogy.

There is some emphasis on STEM and CS in particular since we like to deploy and evaluate our work in real classes, and Berkeley has some quite large CS classes that make great testing environments, but we do work in other areas of education as well.

My specific work within ACE tends to focus on support for teaching upper-division software engineering techniques (think “CS100” rather than “CS1”).

Why focus on CS100 rather than CS1?

CS1 takes students from zero to some programming. Berkeley CS61A exposes them to all the major paradigms in programming, and introduces important big ideas. But that is not enough for students who want to pursue software as a career, even with the follow-on CS61B course, which teaches data structures and gives students some experience with a moderately-sized software system.

Beyond that lies “CS100”, generally the upper-division courses in systems and software.

With respect to software specifically, major differences from the “CS1” include:

  • In CS100, it’s not enough for code to pass the instructor-provided test cases: it must also be maintainable, displaying good use of idioms in the target language and following best practices for using the language’s features. The AutoStyle and Faded Parsons projects described below address these challenges.

  • In fact, there often aren’t instructor-provided test cases–learning to write tests for one’s own code is a main topic and one that industry agrees is under-taught in CS curricula. Our ongoing work on Test-Writing as a Programming Pattern addresses this challenge.

  • CS100-level apps can be very large–thousands of lines of code, with substantial reliance on frameworks (for example, Rails for Web apps). Understanding “what code goes where” in such systems—how to decompose a programming task such as adding a new feature to a web app, and understanding how the responsibilities are divided across the avrious subsystems and how they communicate—is a daunting task when someone is new to a framework. Our ongoing work on Scaffolded Subgoal Decomposition addresses this challenge.

  • Finally, at all levels of CS instruction, proficiency-based or mastery-based learning (“constant learning, variable time” rather than “variable learning in constant time”) has been shown to be as effective as a private tutor in helping students meet learning goals. A prerequisite for PBL is the ability to generate enough exercises to give students as much practice as they need. Starting with the excellent (and open-source) PrairieLearn exercise-authoring system developed at the University of Illinois, we are creating a variety of novel “CS100-level” exercise types for which parameterized question generators can generate large numbers of variants, including problems in database queries and schemas, regular expressions, refactoring, and more. (The research on Test-Writing as a Variably-Scaffolded Programming Pattern effectively combines and extends the Faded Parsons work with the Proficiency-based Learning work.) This project is under the aegis of the Berkeley LEARNER Lab, and also has positive repercussions for equity, resilience, and students with learning disabilities.

Earlier work: AutoStyle

Inspired in part by my experience teaching Berkeley’s first MOOC on software engineering, the idea behind AutoStyle was that when many students submit functionally-correct solutions to the same programming problem, some students’ code will be more concise, more elegant (i.e. closer to what an expert would produce), and more revealing of design intent than that of other students. Could we automatically identify what aspects of the “better” solutions made them better, and synthesize hints to give to students who came up with weaker solutions?

We built a tool called AutoStyle that did just this, by using existing software engineering static-analysis tools to identify “better styled” code, analyzing the abstract syntax trees of correct submissions, and arranging them into a tree whose root represents (one of the) “best” solutions. We then find a “chain” of transformations from any given student’s solution to the root, and propose the required transformations as hints to gradually refine the code.

ICSE/CSEET 2019 paper: One reason novices’ code is worse is that if they are unfamiliar with a certain pattern or idiom, they will find an expert’s well-consturcted solution less readable. Thus, novices may have to be intentionally and repeatedly exposed to good patterns (expert code) before they come to consider such code as more readable.

We did a randomized controlled trial in which Students were asked to continue to improve and resubmit their code until the style “score” exceeded some threshold. The control group was given only the “style guidelines” written by the instructor, whereas the treatment group was also given automated restructuring hints from AutoStyle.

Rohan Roy Choudhury, Hezheng Yin, and Armando Fox. Scale-Driven Automatic Hint Generation for Coding Style. Proc. ITS 2016

Recent work: Faded Parsons Problems–Reconstructing expert solutions to teach programming patterns

Ongoing work: Teaching Test-Writing as a Variably-Scaffolded Programming Pattern

Ongoing work: Scaffolded Subgoal Decomposition

Ongoing work: Proficiency-Based Learning
